Lorenz Forum and Peer Review



I just wanted to write with pure appreciation and respect for the work you do.  When I see your posts, I make sure I read them over because I’m always learning.  I too, enjoy spreading the knowledge to others in our unit.  Currently, I am the only one in the Michigan State Police that does board level repair.  Recently, I had the FBI bring a phone that was snapped in half by the suspect.  I got a donor phone and began trying to find the leads to bypass the break. Although successful in some points, I knew I couldn’t get it into a mode for a physical extraction.  I am they type that can’t give up, so I haven’t given the phone back and keep working on the donor.  


Then...  I see this post from you.  I watch the videos in amazement because it’s my exact situation.  You tested the Samsung J327P in the videos.  I thought, no stinkin’ way!!!   


My phone is a Samsung J327 as well.  Although a VL variant, this gives me some major hope!!


Again, your assistance to us all is beyond what you could possibly realize.  The cases I have solved, and the lives affected by your research and work can never be repaid.  I have a true passion for this work and I love what I do.  You’re a key part of that and I just wanted to say...


Thank you.  


D/Sgt. Chris Prevette

Michigan State Police 

Keith Leavitt <Keith.Leavitt@cellebrite.com>

Thu, Apr 25, 2019, 8:59 AM



to me



Good morning Mr. Lorenz, I hope you are doing well.

First of all, I want to thank you for the awesome webinar and white paper you put together. It is by far the best I have seen or read about regarding EDL.

I am presenting as the Massachusetts Cyber conference next week on EDL, and I was hoping to get your permission to use some of your material. I will, of course, give you credit, but it would save me some time getting screenshots etc… for the short ppt. I won’t be quoting your work word for word.  Most of the class will be devoted to a lab where we will go through putting several devices into EDL/DFU/FTM. Many examiners appear to be struggling with this and there is some misinformation out there. I have shared the webinar you did with us several times but I think the best way to learn it is to do it, so that is where the majority of the time will be spent.








Keith Leavitt

Manager of Classroom Technology – Cellebrite Inc. 

Cell: 601-519-1878

Keith.Leavitt@Cellebrite.com l www.cellebrite.com l www.cellebritelearningcenter.com

Cellebrite Inc.| 7 Campus Drive, Suite 210, Parsippany, NJ 07054, USA

Mobile Device Forensics and Analysis

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(unknown) (bionicstraw@gmail.com) has asked to join the Mobile Device Forensics and Analysisgroup.

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I'm an engineer with Black Swan Digital Forensics and was forwarded Scott Lorenz's document on EDL mode. I think it's a brilliant document and would like to see what else is going on in this community.

Mobile Device Forensics and Analysis

Google Groups

Dear Sir or Madam, my name is Ralf Waldeck and I would like to get acces to this group. I read about this group in Scott Lorenz's paper Mastering EDL Mode using Celebrite's UFED. I'm a german police officer from the police department in Ulm. We also use Cellebrite's UFED to extract data from mobile devices. My interests in the group is to get further Informationen about mobile forensic. If you need more information, please contact me via mail to ralf.waldeck@polizei.bwl.de Kind regards Ralf Waldeck

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